Esculturas com livros – Daniel Lai

Daniels book sculptures are often adorned with a clay figure, keys and sometimes the small leather bound books. These are the small leather bound books that I create in my shop, The Nib and Quill. Many of Daniel’s works can be seen at Kenjio, his Etsy store.

He has been featured on T.V., and his work has been published in numerous books and magazines. Although his work is stunning online, you must see his work in person. Just to name a few places, his book sculptures can be found at The Bennet Gallery in Nashville, TN and The Haen Gallery in Asheville, NC.

[Artodyssey ]

[Daniel Lai website]

Autor: LN

LN é sigla de Lucília Nunes. Este blog nasceu no Sapo em 2001. Esteve no Blogspot desde 01.01.2005. Importado para Wordpress a 21.10.2007. Ligado ao FaceBook desde 13.12.2010 (e desligado em 2017).

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