
Are learning portefolios worth the effort?

BMJ | 9 august 2008 | Volume 337

Although the portfolio concept may seem deceptively simple, it is only too easy for the desired integrated, comprehensive picture to drown in a disorganised mess of useless information. Fortunately, the literature shows that three simple conditions can prevent this.

Mentoring is the single most decisive success factor. Without an audience, every portfolio is arguably a waste of time. (…) Evidence shows that portfolios improve the planning and monitoring of continuing medical education by combining external assessment and self assessment with mentoring.

Secondly, the portfolio must be smart and lean. (…) The concept of combining formative professional development alongside summative assessment is new. Clear guidelines on the purpose, contents, and organisation of the portfolio are essential.

Careful implementation is crucial. A strong resistance to the portfolio can be unleashed when learners are forced to stick to a rigidly prescribed format. Conversely, when learners are allowed to create a portfolio that reflects their personal interests and concerns, they will have a sense of ownership and be motivated to develop its content.

We need to overcome existing tensions in portfolio design and seek a strong evidence base to optimise their use. With proper mentoring, restricted but relevant content, and well balanced guidelines reflective of its purpose, a portfolio undoubtedly makes an important contribution to the effective assessment, both formative and summative, of performance in the workplace.

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Autor: LN

LN é sigla de Lucília Nunes. Este blog nasceu no Sapo em 2001. Esteve no Blogspot desde 01.01.2005. Importado para Wordpress a 21.10.2007. Ligado ao FaceBook desde 13.12.2010 (e desligado em 2017).

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